
Titanic was released in 1997.  It was directed by James Cmeron and starred Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate winslet.  It won the Academy Awaeds for Best Picture and Best Director, and Kate winslet won the Best Actor Award.  Titanic's box office gross was 2.2 billion.

The movie Titanic is based on the sinking acident of the Titanic that actuaolly happened in 1912. Before the sinking, the figures of people who fell into extreme conditions are realistically shown. athere are into of very interesting scenes zuch as human relationships, love, betrayal, and touching scenes.

The last scene between Jack and Rose was the most memorable part of the movie. The ship split in two and many people were thrown into the sea. The boats of women and children who had escaped earlier in the boat refused to come to their aid and did not save their lives. A women stood up and came to rescue them, but it was too late and many had frozen to death. Jack and Rose communicated their love for each other until the end, and the final scene of sinking Jack into the sea was very moving. I think the good thing about this movie is that two people who are very rich and poor meet, shave the world they live in, and fall in love.

